My new friend in Santiago

I've moved!!! Living at the filthy place with the old lady actually worked out well as I had a compañera for the two school parties last week (not the old lady, another girl staying there ;), but I'm definitely glad to now be in a new place. I've also meet a new friend - say hello to Buddha:

Buddha is a calm and sociable puppy and he instantly decided we'd be friends. Whenever the owners are not at home (which is most of the time, so much for making them my guinea pigs for practicing subjuntivo!), he hangs out with me. The only problem is that he keeps opening the door to my room when I'd prefer it to be closed. I travel with a little door stopper but it doesn't help, Buddha is one chunky piece of meat and manages to force his way in lol. Also sometimes when I'm leaving and want him to get out of my room so that I can close the door he hides under the bed:

Of course I can't bring myself to be annoyed by him, way too cute!

As a side note yesterday I went rafting (my second time!) in Cajón del Maipo and it was good fun, as expected :) my favorite part was the guide shouting at us to row using a panicked voice as if we were narrowly avoiding death ;)
